EnologiaVinos y acompañamientosSauvignon BlancChileRegión MetropolitanaPudahuel
Artistic Wines
Artistic Wines is a group of independent winemakers, whose focus is the ART in winemaking.
Chris Calkins has assembled a group of artists who express their creativity through winemaking.
Artistic Wines is a Gallery where you can discover some of the most talented winemakers in the world. The focus is primarily on American winemakers but on occasion winemakers from other countries are featured such as Rodrigo Soto of Matetic Vineyards.
As Chris travels around the country he speaks of the opportunity each of us has to collect wine as we do art. Besides the pleasure we get from the wine we also are supporting the art of winemaking. Unless the public embraces the small artisan producers worldwide the only choice will be mass produced wines which are driven primarily by commerce not passion and art.
Browse through the web sites. Visit with the names you know and study the ones you don't.
We offer private wine tasting and dinners for your social group or corporation.
Experience our rare wines and a winemaker as the guest of honor. It is a wonderful format for fund raising, entertaining clients, or just fun with people that love wine.
In the past we have shared our wines and the stories of winemaking with diverse groups. From small groups of doctors in Alabama to a group of seventy women in real estate in Oregon.
Artistic Wines Portfolio
managed by
The Calkins Group
tel: (415) 898-4808
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