Empresas y ServiciosComercio De Frutas Y HortalizasChileRegión MetropolitanaHuechuraba
Vitalberry Company
The progressive exporter of berries and exotic fruit from Chile
Vital Berry Marketing S.A. was established in 1989 by six raspberry growers from the south of Chile. Their original goal was to grow, pack and ship the best quality raspberries from Chile and provide the best service to all their customers.
Subsequently, due to the excellent service provided, the outstanding reputation earned by the VBM label and the frequent orders from satisfied customers, Vital Berry decided to become the best exporter of berries and exotic fruits from Chile with 25% of its exports produced by its own shareholders.
The company is committed to quality, reliability and service. For this reason we are continually bringing in new agricultural technology and our staff is focused on supplying our customers with the Vital Berry Best.
Healthy supply
Extensive and healthy supply
Due to the special conditions that Chile has, such as a wide range of climates and few diseases that affect the production, VBM has extended its growing area to over 1,500 kms. and this has permitted us to offer more than 15 different products.
The reason for our special sanitary condition is the country’s isolation. Chile is a narrow territory limited in all its extension by the Andes mountains on the east, the CoastalRange and the Pacific Ocean on the west, the Atacama Desert in the north and the Antarctic Ice Fields in the south. This allows a consistent, extended and healthy supply during the off-season to the northern hemisphere.
Related Companies
VBM’s latest development has been the creation of an exporting company in Argentina named TECNOVITAL. After two years since its foundation, this company has become the largest fresh blueberry exporter in that country, with a 24% market share. This company is being developed with the same business procedures and quality standards as VBM.
VBM also created a refrigerated land transportation company, TRANSVITAL, and a cargo agency, PAT CARGO, to assure safe and rapid transportation of our products abroad.
1 Berries
Blueberry Varieties
• Blue Ray
• Blue Jay
• Berkeley
• Elliot
• O’Neil
• Brigitta
• Bluecrop
• Duke
• Climax
• Spartan
• Brightwell
• Patriot
• Premier
• Powderblue October to April
Availability: December to January
Raspberry Varieties
• Chilliwack
• Tulammeen
• Heritage
• Autumm Bliss
• Ammity November to May
AvailabilityPeak, December and February
Blackberry Varieties
• Navajo
• Cherokee
Availability: December to February / November to June
Red Currants Varieties
• Junnifer
• Johnkers Van Tets
Availability November to January
2 Exotics
• Bronceada
• Concha Lisa
• Local Serena
Availability: July to November, Peak, mid August until mid October
• Fuyu
• Hachiya Mid
Availability: April to May / Peak, mid April to mid May
• Black Mission
• Brown Turkey
• Kadota
Availability: Mid March to May / Peak, April
• Wonderful
• Española
Availability: March to mid May
Pepino Melon
• Local La Serena
Availability: March to August
Frozen Fruit
Blueberry, Raspberry, Blackberry, Currant, Kiwi, Strawberry
• UC-157
• Atlas
• Apollo Peru, June to January
• Peak, August, September and December, Chile,
Availability: July to November / Peak, October
• Hass
Availability: August to November
• Rosa de Chioggia
• Palo rosa
Availability: March until mid of July
Cluster Tomatoes
• Faraón
• Durinta
• Clarance
Availability: Mid October until mid April / Peak December
• Chinese Garlic
Availability: late November to January week 48th to 4th
• Valenciana
Availability: From Mid February to Mid April Week 8 to 14 Th.
• Early burley
• Bing bang
Availability: December
Food Safety
Products Certified Safe
Quality assurance and safety, while at the same time preventing contamination, is today a fundamental VBM objective for all of its products.
For this reason our company is working on a "Food Safety Program" for all of its fresh products, including the complete chain, from cultivation to the chain store shelf and the final consumer.
The company in charge of this certification process is DAVIS FRESH TECHNOLOGIES.
Their approval is shown with a PROSAFE certified logo which appears on the packaging.
During the 2000/01 season VBM had managed to have all its facilities with the HACCP certifications in place and all of the associated farms have been certified with GAP standards.
Nutritional Security (GAP- EUREP GAP)
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) arose in response to the requirements of the consumers.
GAP is a set of principles, norms and technical recommendations applicable to the different stages of production.
The idea is to guarantee a healthful product, with consideration to the environment and with fair employment conditions for the people engaged in the production of our fruit.
In parallel, we are working on the implementation of EUREP GAP on our suppliers’ farms for Eurpean Market. Our objective, is to provide fruit under EUREP GAP certification as of January 2004.
In addition, our line of frozen requires the implementation of HACCP in its plant’s processes.
When you buy a Vital Berry product, you may be sure that you are buying a healthy and safe product.
Blueberry Health Benefits:
Blueberries can combat diseases.
Scientific research shows they contain preventative powers. Though blueberries themselves are not a cure-all, they contain numbers of substances which are thought to have health benefits. Here you will find a summary of some extraordinary results of many studies.
These are believed to protect the body against the damaging effects of free radicals and the chronic diseases associated with the aging process. According to North American researchers blueberries are ranked Nº 1 in antioxidant activity when compared to 40 other fresh fruits and vegetables. The main element responsible for this benefit is Anthocyanin, the pigment that makes the blueberries blue.
According to a study carried out by the USDA Human Nutrition Center (HNRCA) laboratory, neuroscientists discovered that feeding blueberries to laboratory rats slowed age-related loss in their mental capacity. This finding has significant implications for humans. The high antioxidant activity of blueberries probably played a role.
Disease Prevention:
Blueberries may reduce the build up of so called "bad" cholesterol that contributes to cardiovascular disease and strokes. Antioxidants are believed to be the active component against cholesterol.
Prevention of Urinary Tract Infections:
According to research findings at the RutgersBlueberryCranberryResearchCenter in Chatsworth, N.J., blueberries help to promote urinary tract health. Rutgers scientist Amy Howell, Ph.D, explains that blueberries, like cranberries, contain compounds that prevent the bacteria responsible for urinary tract infections from becoming attached to the wall of the bladder.
Av. Del Parque 4680, Of. 503
Santiago • Chile
Tel (56 2) 444 1550
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