Empresas y ServiciosComercio ExteriorChileRegión MetropolitanaSantiago
Our Company
Agral, producer and exporter on Chilean fresh fruits
Since 1987 we produce fruits of the highest quality, under strict international standards, thanks to the the mildness of the Chilean climate. This distinctive advantage enable us to offer an array of delicious fruits which are exported to many markets around the world.
As it is our policy to produce only high quality fruits, we became a member from its start of the “Programa de Buenas Practicas Agrícola BPA” (Good Agriculturel Practices) sponsored by the Chilean Export Asociation “ASOEX” and the Chilean Federation of Fruit Producers “ FEDEFRUTA” together with the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture and Pro Chile. This program is intended to fulfill all the quality requirements of the international markets. We assure the final consumers of our products of exceptional quality produced, protecting the enviroment and the health of the workers, essential conditions to keep competitive within the sector.
Our farms are located between the IV and the VII regions, La Serena to Molina, in which we produce table grapes,avocados, clementines, cherimoyas, cherries, apples and kiwis.
We are operating the first of two computarized grape packings to increase production efficiency and allow for a total traceability of each carton
Northern Zone
Red Globe, Avocado Hass, Clementine, Ribier Grape, Cherimoya, Thompson Grape
Parcela 10
La Marqueza
Aníbal de Tuqui
La Puntilla
Las Rojas
El Palqui
Middle Zone
Red Globe Grape, Thompson Grape, Cherry,
Las Caricias
El Romeral
La Batalla
Santa Flora
Southern Zone
Kiwi Fruit, Fuji Apple, Royal Gala, Granny Smith
Los Helechos
Antonio Ballet 347
Santiago, Chile
Teléfono: 56 - 2 – 2358333
Fax: 56 – 2 – 2361517
( agral
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