Empresas y ServiciosComercio ExteriorChileRegión del MauleCuricó
Our Company
Cooperativa Agrícola y Frutícola de Curicó Ltda – COPEFRUT SA – was founded in the very heart of Chile’s agricultural zone, in 1955, when a group of efficient and enterprising producers united to create an organisation to produce and market first class fruit.
Curicó – a thriving province in the Chile’s Seventh Region, located 190 kilometres south of the country’s capital city, Santiago – provided the ideal environment for the new company, with its favourable climate, fertile land and renowned skill, dedication and work ethic of the local workforce.
COPEFRUT, which mostly specialised in apples in its earliest days, swiftly expanded its horizons under the slogan “from the orchard to all the countries of the world”. In 1992, it became a “Sociedad Anónima” (Stockholding Company) with 350 partners and 85 shareholders. In 2006, it is one of the major fruit exporters of the Chile. It exports apples, pears, kiwifruit, stonefruit, cherries and grapes.
The company attributes its steady progress to its decision to remain intrinsically a national project, developed with Chilean capital. Its successes reflect the drive and creativity of men who were born in Chile and had the vision and entrepreneurial spirit to take advantage of the best agricultural land in the world’s most southerly country.
COPEFRUT’s products proudly represent the tradition of the productive and fertile soils in which they are grown, and the state-of-the-art technology used to optimise their production, packing and export. Through this, they have gained undisputed respect all over the world.
After more than 40 years developing fruit plantations to meet the specifications of the most demanding international markets, the company has four fruit packing plants:
• In Buin, a town located in the Metropolitan Region, the COPEFRUT facility is mainly used to grade and pack stonefruit;
• In Teno, the CENKIWI Plant, which has been specifically designed to pack kiwifruit, also packs stonefruit and berries and processes frozen vegetables
• In Curicó, CENFRUT Plant, handles not only apples and berries, but also the industrial processing of juice and concentrates;
• In Linares, where the plant shares the name of the city, and is used to grade and pack apples and pears.
COPEFRUT has developed the finest fruit packing and storage technology at all of these facilities. Thousands of local employees handle the products with the utmost care and attention, with the shared goal of ensuring export grade produce for international markets.
Consistency of colour, flavour and firmness, as well as the aroma of the fruit, is achieved by the use of the most up-to-date technology in the fields and orchards. Throughout its production cycle, fruit is treated in a manner that aims to retain its natural quality and maintain the established demand for Chilean fruit around the globe.
After harvesting, bulk bins of fruit are sent to one of COPEFRUT’s packhouses to undergo specific procedures according to the fruit and target market involved. Kiwifruit, for instance, might be “brushed” to maintain its original appearance. Apples can be “washed” and “waxed” to enhance their naturally attractive colour. All fruit, of course, is submitted to very strict quality control procedures to protect the status that COPEFRUT produce has earned.
Pre-programmed optical grading equipment allows for the speedy and highly accurate sorting of fruit, using strict size and quality criteria. And the packing process ends with the careful loading and stacking of crates ready for palletisation and export.
Each of COPEFRUT’s packhouse facilities is fitted with powerful cooling chambers and forced-air tunnels that create an environment that preserves the freshness of fruit after it has been packed.
In the case of kiwifruit, these storage chambers are also equipped with ethylene gas filters, which enhance the long-term performance of the product.
Controlled-atmosphere technology complements basic refrigeration to form a system that modifies the composition of gases in the stored fruit’s environment and optimise the quality of the product when it leaves storage and travels further along the supply chain.
Ultra-efficient cold storage and stringent quality control procedures make it possible for COPEFRUT to offer its product range virtually year-round, always conforming to domestic and international quality and food-safety standards. The company recognises that, to retain its status with international customers, it must sustain its own standards at all times.
COPEFRUT’s headquarters remain where it all began, 51 years ago, in Curicó. There, the firm’s producers have access to its accomodating offices, which are connected with the commercial world by a modern computer network that enables the team to carry out its overseas trading activity.
Unlike any other major Chilean fruit exporter, the company’s administrative and commercial facilities are on the doorstep of its plantations and producers. This makes its entire operation faster and more direct. It also gives the company its own, unique identity.
COPEFRUT can call on some of the very best qualified human resources in Chile, with vast experience, the highest degree of professionalism and unstinting commitment to company policy.
Agronomists, among others, give sound technical assistance to producers in situ, covering all aspects of plantation management, including irrigation, fertiliser use, pest control and product evolution.
The long service records of COPEFRUT staff has brought with it a significant increase in productivity, both in qualitative and quantitative terms. This has enabled the company to target and gain new markets and open new and exciting niches across the fruit world.
With every passing year, the company redoubles its commitment to meet the changing demands of fruit consumers. The group of producers that established this company on the fertile land of central Chile created an operation that to this day has stayed true to the principles of its founding fathers.
Customers are COPEFRUT’s first and foremost concern and it gears all of its activities towards fulfilling their requirements.
This customer focus is equally true of the producer and the exporter, the former expertly supervising the growing process before the latter distributes the fruit efficiently and safely to the final customer. The company has always understood the importance of each and every element in the supply chain.
A trusting and smooth-flowing relationship with producers has created a permanent and durable link between grower and exporter. Changes in the network of growers are very rare.
By the same token, the solid relationship between importers around the world and COPEFRUT’s distribution network has created a very flexible commercial bond. This is characterised by the value placed on this link in the supply chain, which ensures that fruit reaches the final consumer in optimum condition.
The relationships with producers and importers that have lasted for more than half a century have time and again proved that the slogan ”from the orchard to all the countries of the world” was not only prescient when it was first coined, but remains a truism in today’s competitive world.
Red Apples
Bi-Color Apples
Green Apples
Asian Pears
Table Grapes
Frozen products
PHONE: +56 (75) 209220 - 209217
FAX : +56 (75) 380905
( copefrut
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