Empresas y ServiciosComercio ExteriorChileRegión del MauleCuricó
Chilfresh Company
Chilfresh was formed in 1993 with the objective to assist growers/packers and importers alike to achieve better results. It started as a part-time job, and a one-man-show, working from an apartment in Santiago. We were very fortunate that our first client was very reliable and that our first market, China, was a fast expanding one. In the beginning it was hard to gain the trust of the suppliers, but we proved to have reliable buyers, and soon introductions and recommendations contributed to a loyal supplier base.
Also in 1993 we got involved in the production of tulips in the South of Chile. There was a potentially interesting market for off-season tulips, and in 1995 we started exporting our first tulips to the US market. During seven years we only sold tulips, and only for a few months of the year. In 2002 we created a flower division, and started to export other flower species as well. We were able to satisfy the requirements of both growers and buyers, and Chilfresh is now we are now leading exporter from Chile.
Today our team consists of 14 committed professionals, a first-rate supply base of growers and exporters in Chile, Peru and Argentina and a loyal and trustworthy customer base in China, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, Korea, India, and Russia. In the flower business, our main customer base is located in the US, while the European market is gaining importance.
Our relationships are based on mutual trust, reliability, hard work and our commitment to create value by giving professional advice and honest information.
Company Facilities
Our offices are located in Curicó, about 180 km. South of Santiago. This location is in the center of the fruit production area, and it permits continuous supervision of the packings and close contact with the growers.
Chilfresh Fruits
Our objective in Chilfresh is to optimize results for both grower/packer and importer. We advise our growers/packers about the best market opportunities for each product and quality and make sure that their produce meets the standards of each market. The assistance includes defining product standards in terms of quality, condition, packaging and presentation.
For the importers, we insure the quality of the fruit, supply them with commercial advice such as supply tendencies and forecasting seasonal volume estimates, and information about weekly shipments being shipped to their markets.
We have achieved our goal when both grower/packer and importer are able to obtain results that surpass the rest of the industry and that our efforts result in steady growth for all parties involved.
Chilfresh Flowers
In 1995, Chilfresh realized its first exports of tulips from Chile for the US market. In 2002 this activity became a dedicated division within Chilfresh, and today we are the leading flower exporter from Chile.
Due to its unique location, Chile holds a huge potential based on its wide range of climates, its counter season production and Chile´s export know-how and infra-structure.
Our main export markets are the US, Canada and The Netherlands. In these markets we work with clients in the top segment, supported with a production that is focussed on novelty flowers and counter-season production.
Flower Species
Calla, ranunculus, tulips, native, safari, berries, strelitzia, artichoke, peonias, lysianthus, lalilies, liatris, oriental.
Fruits Species
Cherries, table grapes, plums, plumcots, nectarines, pears, asian pears, apples, kiwis.
Contact Us
Phone: (56-75)329648
Fax: (56-75)329609
Please send mail to Casilla 306,Curicó - Chile.
For all packages sent by courier to our physical address:
Camino a Zapallar Km.0.6 Curicó –Chile
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