Fresh Fruit Producer Company: Oppenheime
Pipfruit, Kiwifruit, Citrus, Grape, Stone Fruit, Green House, Pineapple, Mangoes
Empresas y ServiciosComercio ExteriorChileRegiテウn MetropolitanaLas Condes
Anテウnimo Jueves 4 de Octubre del aテアo 2007 / 12:26

Oppenheimer, Expect the world from us

Corporate Profile

Throughout the world in fact

We've built our company on determination, innovation and trust. For nearly a century and a half, we've been pioneering new fresh produce varieties, nurturing direct relationships between the world's leading growers and North American retailers, cultivating sophisticated delivery networks and setting standards for food safety and quality. This depth of experience now provides us - and our customers - with a world of advantages.

So many countries, one company

As one of North America's top fresh produce companies, we bring in and deliver over 100 varieties of produce from more than 20 different countries. We market our own branded products as well as those of our partners. Our business is managed by a team of professionals located in over a dozen offices throughout North and South America.

Relationships with growers around the world help us to ensure a 52-week supply of traditional produce items, seamlessly phasing in product from each growing region. These global relationships also allow us unsurpassed access to the very newest varieties as well as exotic and niche products.

Core Purpose

To be a solutions driven, integrated marketer of fresh produce from around the world.

Core Strength

Our core strength lies in our higher standards and in our people, knowledge and systems that make it easier for growers, retailers, and foodservice professionals to succeed.


Pipfruit (apples, Pears)


Citrus (oranges, Tangelos, lemons)

Grapes (green, red and black varities)

Stone Fruit (peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, cherries and pluots)

Green House (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, lettuce, cocktail tomatoe, black tomatoe)

Pineapples (Extra sweet Linda Gold)

Mangoes (red and green varities)

Melons (mini watermelons, Sweet Groove)

Berries (blueberries, cranberries)

More Products

Anise, Artichokes, Asparagus, Avocados, Bananas, Beans, Bell Peppers, Field, Blackberries, Blueberries, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Cactus, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cherimoya, Choy, Choyote, Coconuts, Corn, Cucumbers, field, Daikon, Eggplant, Feijoas, Garlic, Ginger, Herbs, fresh  Horseradish, Jicama, Kale, Kumquats, Lettuce, Limequats, Limes, Loquats, Melons, Nappa, Nuts, Okra, Onions,  Papaya,  Parsnips,  Passionfruit,  Peas, Peppers, Mexican Specialty  Persimmons, Potatoes, Radicchio, Radishes, Raspberries, Rhubarb, Spinach, Squash, Strawberries, Tamarillos, Tomatillo, Tomatoes, field  Turnips, Watercress, Wine Grapes, Yams

The Oppenheimer Group

Avenida Kennedy # 5757

Oficina 601 - Torre Oriente

Las Condes

Santiago, Chile

Phone: +56 (2) 951-0400

Fax: +56 (2) 951-0401

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