Empresas y ServiciosSemillas Y ViverosChileRegión MetropolitanaLas Condes
Pioneer is the world's leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics to farmers worldwide. We seek to increase customer productivity, profitability and develop sustainable agricultural systems for people everywhere. Innovative and customer-focused, Pioneer is a leader in the agriculture industry and upholds the highest standards.
Main Office
Semillas PioneerChile Ltda.
Av. El Bosque Norte 500
Of. 1102, Las Condes
Tel: (56) 2 362-2200
Fax: (56) 2-231-3469
Pioneer Business
Chile has a well-developed corn market and a growing environment similar to the United States cornbelt. The 100 percent irrigated corn market is relatively small, but very competitive. The agriculture industry in Chile is one of the most productive in the world.
Pioneer Chile sells through a dealer organization, which also distributes DuPont crop protection products. Chile produces corn for both grain and silage markets.
Chile also is an important location for corn research and winter nursery activities. The Paine production plant is one of the largest in the world, serving local and Northern Hemisphere production requirements.
Pioneer has about 100 full time employees in five locations in Chile, including:
Sales and administrative headquarters in Santiago
Production facility in Paine
Research centers in Arica, Temuco and Viluco
Alvaro Eyzaguirre, General Manager
Eduardo Zañartu, Sales & Marketing Manager
About Pioneer
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., a DuPont business, is the world's leading developer and supplier of advanced plant genetics to farmers worldwide. We seek to increase customer productivity, profitability and develop sustainable agricultural systems for people everywhere. Innovative and customer-focused, Pioneer is a leader in the agriculture industry and upholds the highest standards. Headquartered in Johnston, Iowa, Pioneer provides services to customers in nearly 70 countries.
Pioneer embraces new ideas that foster customer trust and improve our ability to deliver quality products. Pioneer, the first company to market hybrid seed, continues to innovate and deliver improved products to customers around the world.
Customer Success
Pioneer works customer-by-customer and market-by-market to understand and support the people we serve. We deliver an agronomic package that includes wide selection of industry leading products, as well as services, advice and information tailored to individual needs. Continued Pioneer growth allows customers access to new opportunities while enabling Pioneer to fund research and improve products.
Agricultural Leadership
Our future and the future of agriculture depend on leading with purpose, strong core values and people who are focused on making a difference. This is something Pioneer has always believed in and is part of how we do business. Our commitment to agricultural leadership is demonstrated by developing and promoting superior industry standards, using new technology to provide our customers with the best products, while also preserving biodiversity. These practices span across our industry and around the globe.
Making a Difference
Pioneer is committed to improving peoples’ lives and livelihoods. We give back to the communities where our employees and customers live and work. We also look for opportunities to use our knowledge of plant technology in collaborative projects that help alleviate hunger and improve farmer profitability. We are focused on developing leadership in the next generation of farmers. And, our advocacy for agriculture spans the industry and globe.
DuPont is a science company, delivering science-based solutions that make a difference in people's lives in food and nutrition, health care, apparel, home and construction, electronics and transportation.
Crop Genetics Research and Development
In today's complex and competitive agricultural environment, superior research is essential to achieving crop improvements. Agricultural research requires long-term commitment, investment, innovation and dedication. Crop Genetics researchers are world leaders in the discovery, development and delivery of elite seed genetics. Using both time-tested approaches and modern technologies for more than 75 years, we provide our customers with premiere agricultural products.
More than 1,800 researchers in 25 countries work toward one common goal - bringing more value to the world's producers. They seek answers and develop solutions to unique challenges producers face today and will confront tomorrow. Our researchers are focused on results that introduce new uses for crops, new markets for farm products and farm efficiency improvements that increase farmer profitability.
For more information on our research efforts, visit our online Technology Pipeline. The pipeline is a snapshot of the future traits and elite germplasm Pioneer is currently discovering, developing, testing and commercializing within its global research organization. This pipeline represents concepts and future products we believe will bring farmers the greatest value and ultimately benefit the entire food and energy value chain.
In addition, the Technology Specification Sheets and Technology Brochures provide more detail on the traits, enabling technologies and germplasm in our corn and soybean product pipeline. These summaries provide clear definitions and outline the anticipated market introduction of each technology.
Product Overview - Worldwide
Pioneer offers a number of product lines to growers around the globe - alfalfa, canola, corn, inoculants, mustard, pearl millet, rice, sorghum, soybeans, sunflower, and wheat. Although many product lines are available worldwide - some, like mustard, pearl millet, and rice - are only available in countries outside the United States.
In all product lines, Pioneer strives to develop products with traits and performance standards ideally suited for the growing conditions and local cropping practices in which the seed will be grown. By providing seed uniquely suited to growing conditions around the globe, Pioneer benefits farmers worldwide.
Each year, alfalfa researchers harvest more than 30,000 test plots worldwide to measure product and parental performance in various environments. Technology traits are also available to help protect against insect pressures. Contact your local Pioneer sales representative to help you select the best varieties for your operation.
Pioneer is building a solid pipeline of future canola products in hybrid packages. These products will bring farmers improvements of yields and traits. To assure this steady flow of products, Pioneer researchers plant more than 65,000 test plots each year in seven countries. With either the Roundup Ready gene or Clearfield trait, both Pioneer® brand canola hybrids and varieties offer you consistent yields, harvestability, agronomic traits and herbicide management options. Your local sales professional can help you select the right hybrid or variety for your operation.
Pioneer offers corn growers the industry's broadest lineup, with hundreds of unique and different Pioneer® brand hybrids. Localized research results in products with top yield potential and necessary agronomic traits for most growing conditions. In many countries, technology traits are also available to help protect against insect and weed pressure. Your Pioneer sales professional can help you select the right hybrids for your farming operation.
Crop Protection Products
DuPont offers a complete line of crop protection products for row crops, cereals, specialty crops, fruits and vegetables. No two fields are alike and one size doesn't fit all. That's why DuPont offers a broad portfolio of products to meet your needs on the land you farm and the way you farm it.
Pioneer offers inoculants for corn and alfalfa silage, alfalfa hay, and high moisture grain. With a library of more than 4,000 strains of bacteria, Pioneer microbial researchers develop inoculants with carefully selected, unique, patented strains of bacteria. Visit your Pioneer professional about the benefits of using Pioneer® brand inoculants to help you get more from every acre you feed to your animals.
Mustard is an important crop for India's economy. PHI Seeds Ltd., provides hybrids to farmers with many desirable traits, including high yielding and high oil percentages. PHI Seeds Ltd., tests mustard hybrids every year to improve them and help them adapt to more growing conditions.
Pearl Millet
Pearl millet is a crop with a long history in parts of Africa, India, and Pakistan. In fact, pearl millet is a staple food product. PHI Seeds Ltd., offers pearl millet varieties for farmers with different growing needs. For example, PHI Seeds Ltd., in India offer varieties suitable for both summer and rainy seasons in maturity ranges from 75 - 85 days.
Rice is an important food crop. It occupies 44 million hectares in India alone. With a strong research base, Pioneer is able to produce and offer a number of suitable hybrids designed to meet a diversity of growing challenges. Hybrids designed for particular growing conditions on irrigated land could boost annual rice production by 10-15 million metric tonnes.
Pioneer offers sorghum hybrids in red, yellow, and bronze, with seed treatment options to meet your needs. Localized products offer top yield potential, drought tolerance and the industry's only proprietary genetics specific to your agronomic growing conditions. They also withstand tough pest and disease challenges.
Experience a powerful new generation of Pioneer® brand soybeans. Pioneer has introduced more than 60 new varieties over the last three years providing:
outstanding yields
strong emergence
disease, pest and herbicide resistance
solid standability
smooth harvesting
Innovative packaging options, such as PROBulk® systems and PROBOX® containers, are available in some areas and offer improved handling convenience.
At Pioneer, developing sunflower hybrids with stable yield performance is a key goal. Researchers worldwide are dramatically increasing the number of hybrid combinations tested for yield. Each year, more than 130,000 test plots are planted for yield potential. Improving agronomic traits such as emergence, root and stalk strength, seedling vigor, and fast drydown also are emphasized. Talk to your local Pioneer sales professional about the top sunflower hybrids and market opportunities in your area.
With more than 12 soft red winter and soft white winter varieties, Pioneer® brand wheat offer growers the convenience of bagged wheat with the agronomic package that fit their needs. An extensive testing network is used in North American and Europe, as more than 50,000 yield plots are planted each year. In Europe, the focus is on the development of varieties that meet the rigorous performance and end-use qualities of key target markets. With an eye on the future, hybrid development will provide a vehicle for delivering value-added traits to the marketplace.
( pioneer.cl

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